


Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is the excessive secretion of sweat from the secretory sweat glands. It is a big problem, which causes a lot of discomfort and difficulty in the professional and social life of people who suffer from this situation.

Hyperhidrosis is divided into primary and secondary.

  • The primary hyperhidrosis is due to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system and is usually a central cause. It may, however, be aggravated in situations of severe anxiety. It usually manifests itself from pre-pubertal age and it also affects both 2 genders.
  • The secondary hyperhidrosis is due to systemic diseases including endocrine, metabolic or other disorders such as thyrotoxicosis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, neoplasms or paraneoplastic manifestations, myeloproliferative diseases, etc. In this case, we should first check for systemic diseases, if we do not find anything abnormal to deal with the symptom.

Most people suffering from intense sweating suffer from focal sweating, ie under the armpits, palms, soles, and face.

Rarely, they have generalized sweating that is all around the body.


The diagnosis of the extent of hyperhidrosis is mainly performed by the starch test (Minor test). This is a qualitative assessment of hyperhidrosis. The process involves spreading the test area with iodine solution and then applying the starch in powder form. After 5 minutes, the visual evaluation of the result is followed. Areas with excessive sweating are strongly colored, with violet to dark black color.

Treatment – Botox Hyperhidrosis

By pointing to areas with the problem, we focus on the sites where Botulinum toxin type B (BoTox-Dysport) treatment will be performed.

By applying Botulinum toxin, we stop muscle contraction that secretes sweat from the glands.

It is a short treatment of 20-30 minutes and its duration is about 6 months.

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